balance due

美 [ˈbæləns duː]英 [ˈbæləns djuː]
  • 结欠余额
balance duebalance due
  1. The balance due me is $ 100 .


  2. May we remind you that there is a balance due on your account ?


  3. This refers to the increase in the Aggregate Balance due to interest payments on Exchange Fund paper .


  4. This mental aspect is a bigger factor for people with impaired balance due to advanced age or illness .


  5. We show you how to help someone who has lost their balance due to a feeling of faintness .


  6. The maximum balance due from the related companies during the year was approximately $ 347,000 ( 2001 - $ 347,000 ) .


  7. Check the balance due on the mortgage , the interest payments and the payment behavior of the mortgagor .


  8. Thus , the employee has the cash , the customer 's account shows a zero balance due , and the books are in balance .


  9. However , in the process of rural new community , the status of all interest groups is different in the interest balance due to different allocation of resources and information .


  10. The variances in trade balance due to variation in the macro variables as well as the exchange rate change are examined by Impulse Response Functions and Variance Decomposition methods .


  11. OP occurrence is due to the activity of osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblasts to form bone remodeling activity that constitutes the mechanism out of balance due .


  12. Where the host is weakened or less capable to protect itself and maintain balance due to an infestation , the host naturally becomes more susceptible to other diseases .


  13. Previously , forecast changes in the aggregate balance due to transactions outside Hong Kong hours were announced by the HKMA in Hong Kong the next morning shortly before the market opened .


  14. Different from dexamethasone , the new balance due to anti-IL-9 antibody would not lead to a series of effects on account of cell immunity fun - ( ction ) suppression in the immune response .


  15. A £ 50 deposit is required when ordering , and the balance is due upon delivery .


  16. The seller initiated arbitration proceedings to recover the 10 % balance remaining due under the contracts .


  17. Balance incurred due to changes in period and numbers of participants in aforementioned design liaison meeting , technical service and training period shall be deducted from the total price of the contract thereof .


  18. A loan which is repaid by a series of small , periodic payments until a given date , when either the balance comes due in a single , large payment or the amount of the payments rises significantly .


  19. NOTE : Professional fees are due at the time that services are rendered . Prepayment based upon estimate required for hospitalization . Any additional balance will be due upon pick-up .


  20. On one hand , the effect of sports on iron metabolism was the result of negative balance of iron due to multiple reasons , if it was true , the supplement of iron was effective , and the routine iron supplement was needed in athletes .


  21. Superelevation helps to balance the overturning effect due to the centrifugal force and this beneficial effect may be considered .


  22. In checking our accounts , we find there is a balance of $ 14,600 due to us for purchases made in June , 2000 .


  23. The money such credit card companies would expend trying to collect the debt would equal the karma owed and would balance itself out in due course .


  24. Wetlands have huge environmental functions in maintaining ecological balance and regional stability due to their particular characteristics in hydrology , soil , and plant , as well as landscape ecological structures .


  25. The liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) will occupy a more important position in global energy balance of 21st century due to its cleanness and economy , especially in such those developing countries like China .


  26. Part two mainly analyzes the issue about the interests balance in the general trademark system , introduces the personal interests expansion of the trademark right , discusses the reason of the interests balance , proposes the due restriction to the expansion of trademark interest ;
